The Blog Squad

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fan Mystery Art

During my perambulations to and from work I’ve noticed wood panels painted with words and figures affixed to the metal supports of street and parking signs. I managed to capture this one during the few days it was on Strawberry Street, but another was removed before I caught it. The one that got away featured a portrait of poet Larry Levis (1946-1996) on a backdrop of words from his writing. Levis, raised in Fresno, Calif., during his career earned three poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Fulbright Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. He taught at VCU from 1992 until his death, and he was beloved here, and I often saw him at art openings and events.

I’m not sure if this is a quotation from him, but perhaps readers can get back to me on this matter.

Artist and blogger Martin Bromirski referred to these as "street boards." He preserved a few for posterity and also linked to another "anonymous artist" named Larry Lorca who has a masive flickr compilation of these now-you-see-them-soon you-won't artistic efforts.

I enjoyed the art because it provided aesthetical interruption to the photocopied-and-stapled thrum of the community talking to itself, about lost cats, drummers needed, garden apartments for rent and a VW van for sale. And unlike other forms of urban expression, these street boards don't leave marks or stains that require expensive acid baths or paint over jobs.


At Fri Mar 16, 07:53:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, the quotation I believe forever in the hooks is by the poet Jorie Graham.


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